Panel:Increasing the Value of Digital Marketing

12.02 Keynote Track 12:00 – 12:40
Wang Jing
CCO, Travel Daily
Xia Yi
VP – Jinjiang E-commerce Company
Liu Yang
CMO, Spring Airlines
Jing Xiongfei
Ann Wang,
General Manager, Tencent Performance Advertising Solutions, Online Media Group – Tencent


In the age of the mobile internet, the marketing environment and approach has changed.
To enterprises, however big, and whether they offer premium or mass products, they are still bound to marketing via media buying.
As the digital tidal wave hits, enterprises are forced to go digital.
How to cultivate the true value of digital is a true test for all businesses and marketers.

1.About Big Data – data has made marketing truly “smart”, and to be able to handle data has become a core skillset for marketers. As a strategic asset, it is of crucial importance to the travel industry. How shall travel industry marketers seek, gather and apply big data to identify business opportunities?

2.About Mobile – mobile is offering more consumer touchpoints to traditional enterprises, while businesses are leveraging mobile platforms to offer better consumer experiences. How shall enterprises plan their marketing strategy for mobile?

3.About Social Media – as Weibo, WeChat, ecommerce platforms and Dianping continues to innovate on PC and mobile, the dissemination of information has become easier and more free. How shall enterprises utilize Social Media to unveil hidden needs and value?

4. About Consumer Loyalty – as consumers face a multitude of products and buying channels, how to generate user loyalty has become a top challenge for many companies. How to leverage digital to create an effective strategy for customer loyalty?

Ann Wang, General Manager, Tencent Performance Advertising Solutions, Online Media Group – Tencent

Ann Wang is the General Manager of Tencent Performance Advertising Solutions under Online Media Group (OMG). Wang has over 15 years of experience in the technology industry and developed deep insights in digital marketing, advertising technology and online media monetization. She was Managing Director of Criteo China and held a number of leadership positions at Google, including heading up the Online Partnerships Group (OPG) for Greater China and Korea and overseeing Asia mobile partnership business. Prior to Google, Wang held various sales, marketing and general management positions at Intel, Comba Telecom and Nokia.

Wang received her MBA degree from Kenan-Flagler Business School, University of North Carolina and holds a Bachelor Degree in Economics from the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing.