
12.01 主会场 16:00 – 16:35
Asmita Dubey
欧莱雅 中国和亚太区首席市场官


在欧莱雅,我们认为美丽影响数字化营销, 并且相信“数字重塑美丽”. 数字化贯穿美妆消费者的购买过程-伴随着自拍的虚拟美丽,美妆教程,网络名人的直播,在线购买或产品评论,购后行为。通过相关性,差异化和情感联系,我们的品牌有潜力做到前所未有的接近消费者并且成为“受欢迎的品牌”。


Asmita Dubey is the Chief Marketing Officer for L’Oréal Asia Pacific. She joined L’Oréal in January 2013 as China CMO. Ms Dubey is a marketing professional with 19 years’ experience in communication groups and corporations in India, China and the Middle East.

Having spent ten years of her work life in China and the initial years of her life, education and first seven working years in India, Ms Dubey has accumulated a deep understanding of the market in India and China. Her expertise spans digital marketing, e-commerce marketing, market research, integrated marketing communications, marketing analytics and strategic media planning.

Prior to L’Oréal, Ms Dubey spent eight years at Mindshare (WPP Group).