Topic:Connections that count

12.01 Keynote Track 09:20 – 09:40
Anna Bishop Rehrig
Facebook, Global Head of Marketing, Cross-border Business


Building a brand in this new digital world? Build it on mobile. Digital marketing is mobile marketing, period. It is true today, and it is even more true tomorrow. Anna will take you through the mobile trend, share consumer insights from around the world, and present examples of how successful Chinese brands are taking advantage of this trend and build their business on mobile, all around the world.

Anna Bishop Rehrig – General Manager, Cross-Border Business – Facebook

Anna Bishop Rehrig leads global marketing communications for Facebook’s Emerging Markets and Cross-Border ads products. She began her career running entrepreneurship programs at the Booth School of Business, and before coming to Facebook in April 2014 she spent seven years in product marketing at Google including two years based out of Google’s Sub-Saharan Africa headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya. She holds a BA in Anthropology from the University of Chicago, studied abroad in South Africa, and lives in London with her husband, Matt.