Topic:The combined mobile with social networking gives birth to the new ecosystem in marketing

12.02 Keynote Track 14:40 – 15:00
Tang Xiaolei
CEO – Social Touch Advertising


With the overwhelming tendency of mobile marketing, the integrated strategy combining social network, innovation, technique and channels will prevail in contemporary marketing, outweighing the traditional media with creative ideas. It should be noted that the advantage in owning the large amount of users has gradually diminished in this highly competitive marketing, far from sufficiency in winning the battle of marketing. Therefore, the complicated market, diversified mobile channels, the sparse consumers and the scares attention call for the innovative ecosystem in marketing. Only with the integration of mobile and social network, can the charisma of network and the wide coverage of mobile attract more users, so that it leads to the vitalization of the enterprise in generating a wise marketing ecosystem, exerting a conducive effect in the long-term.